Research Units

Research Units

Genetic and metabolic strategies for sustainability

El equipo de la unidad se dedica a la ingeniería metabólica de microorganismos para fomentar la producción de metabolitos valiosos y desarrollar organismos que degraden contaminantes, como los plásticos. Se especializa en el uso de técnicas avanzadas de modelado computacional y modificación genética para diseñar microorganismos que optimicen o habiliten procesos biotecnológicos innovadores. Su contribución activa en la ciencia básica es crucial para el desarrollo tecnológico dentro del instituto.

Lines of investigation


Optimization of microbial production of compounds of industrial interest through genetic engineering and gene regulation.


Exploration of microbial diversity and bioactive potential of bacterial metabolites.


Genetic study of microorganisms involved in the recycling of plastics, waste and other materials.






Latest publications

González-Martín, J., Cantera, S., Muñoz, R., Lebrero, R. (2024) Indoor air VOCs biofiltration by bioactive coating packed bed bioreactors. Journal of Environmental Management.

Hoyos, E.G., Kuri, R., Toda, T., Muñoz, R. (2024) Innovative design and operational strategies to improve CO2 mass transfer during photosynthetic biogas upgrading. Bioresource Technology.

Torres-Franco, A.F., Leroy-Freitas, D., Martínez-Fraile, C., Rodríguez, E., García-Encina, P.A., Muñoz R. (2024) Partitioning and inactivation of enveloped and nonenveloped viruses in activated sludge, anaerobic and microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems. Water Research.

Shan, M., Geng, X., Imaz, I., Broto-Ribas, A., Ortín-Rubio, B., Maspoch, D., Ansaloni, L., Peters, T.A., Tena, A., Boerrigter, M.E., Vermaas, D.A. (2024) Metal- and covalent-organic framework mixed matrix membranes for CO2 separation: A perspective on stability and scalability. Journal of Membrane Science.

Ferreyra-Suarez, D., Paredes-Vargas, L., Jafari, S. M., García-Depraect, O., Castro-Muñoz, R. (2024) Strategies and extraction pathways towards carminic acid as natural-based food colorant: A comprehensive review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science.