
The ISP has received funding from the “Program to strengthen research structures of Castilla y León “Ladder of Excellence”, within the framework of the Regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (RIS3) of Castilla y León, co-financed by the FEDER operational program” (Reference: CLU-2017-09). This financing is part of RIS3: Thematic objective 1: Promote research, technological development and innovation. Investment priority 1.1: Improve research and innovation infrastructure and the capacity to develop excellence in R&I, as well as the promotion of competence centers, especially those of European interest. Strategic objective 1.2: Strengthening R&D institutions and creation, consolidation and improvement of scientific and technological infrastructures. Intervention category 058: Research and innovation infrastructures.

The ISP receives funding through the “Aid to support the internationalization of research structures of excellence” program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Reference: CL-EI-2021-07). This funding is part of RIS3: Thematic objective 1: Promote technological development, innovation and quality research.