The ISP joins the RENUWAL Thematic Network

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The ISP has joined the Renuwal Thematic Network on water purification with microalgae.

The Thematic Networks are associations of research and development (R&D) groups of public or private entities and companies of the member countries of the CYTED Program, whose scientific or technological activities are related within a common field of interest, that have the main objective to exchange knowledge between R&D groups and to promote cooperation as a working method.

The Renuwal network, granted in the 2019 CYTED call, has the aim of creating a multi and inter-disciplinary network that promotes the potential applications of microalgae as recycling agents for industry and the environment within the framework of the Economy. Circular. To achieve this, the network works on promoting the integration of research and technology in Latin America in the field of microalgae for its use in the management of industrial by-products, participating in multilateral programs in innovation and training in the transfer of knowledge and transmission of environmental values. This network is made up of 14 R&D centers belonging to 7 Latin American countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, Portugal) and 7 companies from Portugal, Brazil and Spain.

The RENUWAL Network aims to i) analyze and develop new strategies for the treatment of effluents with microalgae that generate value-added products as an alternative to conventional processes; ii) stimulate technical-scientific training in this area; iii) promote the technological transfer of knowledge from the Network to Latin American companies; iv) promote the general dissemination of knowledge in this area, and v) establish a stable multi- and inter-disciplinary consortium of groups and entities that allows the coordination of technological and social changes in this field.
