Raúl Muñoz, member of the ISP, guest of honour at the IV FACSA Chair Awards for Innovation in the Integrated Water Cycle of the University Jaume I.

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On 15 April, the IV FACSA Chair Awards for Innovation in the Integrated Water Cycle of the University Jaume I took place, held through the online platform Zoom. At the event, the Chair’s awards were presented to the best Final Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral Thesis projects related to the integral water cycle.

The event was attended by Raúl Muñoz, member of the ISP, as guest of honour, who gave the presentation: “Microalgae processes as a platform for improving energy and environmental efficiency in WWTPS”, on the wastewater treatment process based on microalgae.

Raúl Muñoz, chemical engineer by the University of Valladolid (2001) and PhD in Environmental Biotechnology by the University of Lund (2005). He has co-authored more than 250 scientific publications and directed more than 40 research projects and contracts at regional, national and European level. His main lines of research have focused on wastewater treatment with microalgae, biogas upgrading processes and biological odour treatment.
