The Institute of Sustainable Processes joins the European Biogas Association


The ISP has recently joined the European Biogas Association (EBA). The EBA is an association that works in close cooperation with european institutions to contribute to the development of the legal framework for the production of sustainable biogas and biomethane in Europe. The association serves both as a voice for the interests of the different organizations in the sector and as a platform for information exchange and knowledge transfer. It has more than a hundred members that include international companies, research institutes and national associations.

The EBA participates in various projects helping to develop the biogas and biomethane sector by promoting research and development of new technologies to improve the biogas industry and raise awareness of the positive socio-economic and environmental impact of biogas. The association also has two advisory councils, one scientific and one for companies. While the scientific advisory council focuses on providing scientific evidence, promoting the exchange of knowledge and supporting the evaluation of proposals, among other things, the company advisory council allows exchanging information on market development, reporting on the latest advances in the sector, supporting implementation of quality standards across borders and supporting policy initiatives, changes and industry opportunities.

The ISP participation in the EBA is a natural step aligned with a key research area where the institute has been carrying out intense research work, in line with different European projects in which it participates: CIRCULAR BIOCARBON; URBIOFIN, DEEP PURPLE y SMARTAGROMOBILITY.
