ISP researchers Mónica Coca and Raúl Muñoz participate in the European Corner of the European Researchers’ Night

This coming Friday, November 27th, a new edition of the European Researchers’ Night will take place. The European Researchers’ Night is an annual public event promoted by the European Commission that seeks to bring scientists closer to society. The Night provides the opportunity to show the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens, as well as stimulate interest in scientific and technical careers, especially among young people. The activities that take place at the Night seek an attractive and interactive staging to reach the public, which in the last edition reached more than 1.6 million people.
In this edition, eight entities from Castilla y León have joined in the project that seeks not only to reach more citizens from the region, but also citizens from other parts of Europe and the world through live broadcasting of the programmed activities. Among the different workshops, shows and activities, is the European Corner, which this year will take place digitally through videos in which the researchers tell in first person the R & D & I projects in which they are working at the european level.
Thus, the Institute of Sustainable Processes, which is involved in the development of multiple European projects, participates in this edition with the videos of Mónica Coca about the VALORCOMP project and Raúl Muñoz about the DEEP PURPLE project.

The main objective of the VALORCOMP project is to contribute cooperatively to the resolution of cross-border problems in the recovery of compounds and other waste generated in the treatment of the organic fraction of urban solid waste.

DEEP PURPLE seeks to recover valuable resources from urban waste through a versatile, integrated and flexible multiplatform biorefinery, based on the metabolism of purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) to extract and recover high added value compounds for the bio-based industry such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), ectoin and cellulose at 2 demonstration sites.