Marisol Vega and Juan José Jiménez, reaserachers of the ISP, passed an examination at University of Valladolid testing


Marisol Vega and Juan José Jiménez, researchers of the ISP, passed the examination testing their professional knowledge to obtain positions as University professors of Analytical Chemistry, while Raquel Lebrero passed the exam to obtain a position as a faculty member, more specifically as a Professor.

The entrance exams for faculty members of the University of Valladolid comprise two public examinations: The first examination consists of an oral presentation of the merits expounded in the applicants teaching, academic and research record and the teaching and research project defense, followed by a debate with the Commission.

The second examination consists of an oral presentation of an original research work carried out by the applicant, and, in the case of an entrance exam for University Professors, followed by a debate with the Commission, and, in the case of an entrance exam for Professors, an oral presentation of a topic related to a subject included in the syllabus of a discipline implemented at the University of Valladolid, followed by a debate with the Court.
