We receive funding through the “Programa de fortalecimiento de estructuras de investigación de Castilla y León ‘Escalera de Excelencia’” (Program for strengthening research structures of Castile and León ‘Stairs of Excellence’), within the framework of the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialization (RIS3) of Castile and León, co-financed by the ERDF operational program” (Reference: CLU-2017-09). This financing is part of the RIS3: Themed objective 1: Promote research, technological development and innovation. Investment priority 1.1: Improve research and innovation infrastructures plus the ability to develop excellence in matters of R&D, as well as increasing the amount of competence centers, especially those of European interest. Strategic objective 1.2: Strengthening R&D institutions and creating, consolidating and improving scientific and technological infrastructures. Intervention category 058: Research and innovation infrastructures.

We also receive funding through the program:”Ayuda para el apoyo a la internacionalización de las estructuras de investigación de excelencia” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Reference: CL-EI-2021-07). This funding is part of the RIS3: Thematic Objective 1: Promote technological development, innovation and quality research.